Sell To Us

If you have a collection for sale, regardless of size, vintage or modern, sports & non-sports...we will buy it all! Please give us a call toll free at (866)861-2330 and ask for Kevin or Pat or simply fill out the form below and submit and a representative from our company will contact you for details.  We do travel to purchase "significant" collections.

Day Phone:
Evening Phone:
Best time to call:
Attach up to 4 pictures in gif, jpg or png format not to exceed 4Mb.
There are two methods to select your images after you clicking “Choose Files”
  • While holding the Shift Key down, select the first image and the last image. All images between will be highlighted
  • While holding the CTrl Key down, select each image one click at a time. Only the selected images will be chosen
Then click “Open” and the selected files will be included in the form.